Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Significance of Training and Development-Free-Samples-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Significance of training and development in the workplace environment. Answer: Introduction The report provides an overview about the significance of training and development in the workplace environment. Training and development is basically an attempt to enhance performance of an employee by increasing their skills as well as knowledge, changing their attitude and enhancing their ability to execute through learning (Dhar, 2015). Training and development provides several benefits to both the organizations and employees, which includes- addressing weakness of employees, increasing workers efficiency, increasing innovation in products, enhancing productivity, reducing employees turnover etc. This assessment evaluates on the environmental forces influencing the Australian organizations and how training helps them to deal with all these forces. The study also focuses on the ten forces that influence working and learning in the company. One of these ten forces that are considered to be significant in my workplace is also discussed in this paper. Furthermore, one specific area t hat is to be focused on for development and training is also evaluated in this study. In the last section, the plan for development of training design process is also illustrated in this study. Environmental forces influencing Australian organizations and their strategic training responses Training and development is mainly driven by the requirement of workplace. Training helps to learn job- related knowledge, skills and competencies while development helps the employees to become capable of thinking different and thereby makes them creative. It has been identified by Noe and Winkler (2012) that, there are ten environmental forces that influences the working and learning process in organizations. These forces includes- Sustainability-Sustainability also termed as green business reflects the organizations that has less adverse impact on global environment and society. This force influences the organizations as they participates in environmentally friendly activities in order to ensure that they address present environmental concerns by maintaining maximum profit. Globalization- It refers to the procedure of shifting the jobs from one location to another in the globe. Although it lowers the cost of labor, it adversely impacts the enterprise as few employees lack necessary skills for performing the job. Attracting and retaining talent- As this involves proper assessment of employees and performance management, this influences the working process of an enterprise (Keep, 2012). Customer service and quality emphasis- This includes total quality management, quality related to the family standards, six sigma process that influences the enterprise learning process. Changing demographics and workforce diversity- This involves increase in ethnic diversity, ageing labor force and generational differences that influences the learning process in entity. Technology-This force also influences training in workplace as it enhances ability to access professionals and increases overall business cost (Jehanzeb Bashir, 2 013) High performance models of work system- It includes cross training, virtual teams that depend on technology for interacting with others and team work, which also influences training process Economic changes-Both political as well as social changes in the economy also affects the training and development in entities. Increased value placed on human capital and intangible assets-Human capital relates to the employees attributes, knowledge, inventiveness. Intangible assets include intellectual, social and customer capital. These forces have huge implications on the engagement of employees in their work and adoption of creative idea (Noe Winkler, 2012). Focus on link to enterprise strategy-Strategy adopted by the enterprise also influences their working and learning process. This force determines the amount of training that is required for the present job skills, degree to which training would be customized and restricted and level in which training would be planned. All these above forces also influence the training and development environment of the Australian organizations. However, the enterprises operating in the competitive business environment of Australia usually implements their strategic training methods in order to reduce the influence of environmental forces in the enterprises training procedure. In addition, Australian government also influences some of the organizations operating in this nation through implementation of range of several policy tools that involves- sanctions, taxes and subsidies, legislation, public service provision etc. However, these Australian organizations adopts strategic training methods to enhance productivity of employees despite environmental forces influences them. Strategic training refers to the training used by the enterprises strategically in order to accomplish the target (Ford, 2014). The strategic training methods adopted by the Australian enterprises involve- in- basket training, virtual reality, e - learning, internships, distance- learning and so on. It has been opined by () that, the Australian organizations implements strategic training based on their requirements at different stages of business process. One of the ten forces to be considered significant in my present workplace One of the ten environmental forces that are considered to be most important in my present workplace is attraction and retention of talented employees. The main reason behind this is that talented employees help the organizations to meet their target in specified time and achieve success in competitive business environment. One of the strategies that have been implemented by my organization for attracting and retaining talented employees is making investment in strategic training as it reinforces their value (Fawad Latif, 2012). Apart from this, strategic training also provides them huge opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge. This in turn also improves their performance in their work and motivates them to stay with the organization in the long run. The strategy of making investment in proper training to employees helps them to develop higher sense of self-worth since they becomes valuable to the organizations. However, adoption of this strategy helps my enterprise to gain huge benefit from attraction and retention of employees, which includes increase in total productivity, decline in turnover rate of employees and reduction in requirement for constant supervision. Area that needs to be focused on for development of training program The area that needs to be focused on for the development of training is leadership development skills. Effective leadership skills is extremely important for development of training program in the organization as the leaders are the ones who designs as well as manages the training program (Baron Parent, 2015). The enterprises should focus in this area as effective leadership coaching helps to develop skills as well as culture and also make the workplace highly attractive place to work especially for high-achieving workers. In addition, development of leadership skills also facilitates the managers to enhance their ability to motivate as well as inspire team members for participating in training program. Furthermore, this leadership skill also helps the leaders to manage their team members and tackle any kind of conflicts occurring during development of training program (Grohmann Kauffeld, 2013). Apart from this, development of leadership skills also facilitates the managers to enga ge the employees more in work and make better strategic decisions regarding training development programs. Different aspects of training design process Training design refers to the design procedure of creating blueprint for development of training program. The training design process involves- Conduction of assessments that includes enterprise and task analysis Assuring readiness of employees for training Creation of learning environment Ensuring transfer of training Development of evaluation plan Selection of training procedure Monitoring and assessment of training program The project plan that is used for evaluation of training development programs are described below- Satisfaction and reaction of employees helps the management of the organization to understand the effectiveness of training program Knowledge acquisition-A valid as well as reliable test following training aid to determine whether the employees acquire proper learning (AlYahya Norsiah, 2013). Behavioral application-This involves assessment of employees behavior, attitude and knowledge acquisition. Improvement in business- This highlights on the financial performance and growth of the enterprise. Return on investment-The total return attained from the investment in training development program also helps the management to evaluate the training programs. Conclusion From the above report, it can be concluded that the training and development program helps the enterprise to bring all their employees to higher level so that all of them have similar knowledge as well as skills. It also helps to strengthen the skill that each worker requires to improve. Although most of the enterprise are investing huge fund in training and development programs, they are facing several issues such as failure of the managers to recognize and evaluate requirement of employees, inappropriate creation of training policies by the managers and so on. However, it is necessary for every organization to focus on the area of development of leadership skills so that the managers can effectively tackle the training programs. Thus, training program should be designed by the leaders based on the workplace needs. 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